You are here because you are starting a food business and you want to know more about applicable grants for commercial kitchen equipment. This is definitely something that is able to bring down your start up cost. Let me share my journey starting this company in Singapore. Just like you, I was looking for ways to minimize cost. There is always a need to balance between time, skill and cost.

Available Grants

Lets check out SME Centre Singapore on all available grants. The list of Productivity Solution Grants (PSG) are all listed in their website. You could also arrange for an appointment with an SME Centre personnel. In a summary, anything that could improve productivity will most likely be applicable for a grant.

Examples of Kitchen Equipment Grants

An automated dishwasher could get you a 50% grant. Dishwasher is definitely a worthy investment, especially with the regulations on foreign labors.

roller dishwasher

Another worthy example would be the combi ovens which could get you 50% grant. Combi ovens are one of the equipment that I would say is overlooked due to the high cost. This is something that I would say is worthy of investment as a combi oven is able to cook multiple different dishes together as compared to a conventional oven. Definitely save you lots of time and imagine how many more customer orders that you are able to attend to as compared to a conventional oven.

In fact, I’m looking forward to be able to apply for a grant myself. Robotic arms!!! Of course the robotics arms are for the trucks. In summary, Singapore productivity solution grant is a replacement of PIC. PSG started in April 2018 and is fairly new. There is still changes being made to this grant as this post is published. Therefore, it is necessary to get in touch with SME Centre personnel for advise and application.

disclaimer: The author of this article does not have any affiliation with SME Centre.